PRB research seeks to make proposals for improving our world and our lives, by making their complexity more comprehensible, by shedding light on the way our society functions and on the living conditions of the people of Brussels, and by enabling the design of new techniques, infrastructures, institutions, etc.
However, despite the quest for positive impact on the material and physical well-being of human beings, science sometimes creates new risks, ethical dilemmas and controversies. This is why, in the same way the recent research and innovation policies launched by the European Union call on researchers to engage in responsible research (by taking account of these inherent risks and dilemmas), it is important that the actors who make use of the results of this research extend this responsibility, to ensure that scientific contributions and societal issues are aligned between research bodies, politicians and government departments.
As such, we request that the results from these policy briefs are treated with the same sense of responsibility.
Economy and employment
- The effect of unemployment on the mental health of young social vulnerable groups in the Brussels Capital Region, Kelly Huegaerts, VUB, Prospective Research, 2018.
- How to support the development of a sustainable functionality economy in the Brussels-Capital Region?, Prospective Research, 2021.
- Can public policies improve old care services and reduce undeclared work in the sector, Prospective Research, 2023.
- How could the Region sustain tourism employment in ongoing digitalisation of the industry?, Prospective Research, 2023.
- Air-Bru: How can Brussels mitigate short-term housing rental impacts without losing their advantages?, Prospective Research, 2024.
- BEAMM.Brussels: an online, open-access tax-benefit microsimulation model for Brussels, Prospective Research, Prospective Research, 2024.
- Ecosystem Services for the Sustainable Development of the Brussels-Capital Region, Philip Stessens, ULB, Prospective Research, 2018.
- How to reduce the influence of polluted outdoor air in residential mechanical ventilation?, Prospective Research, 2021.
- How can Brussels transition towards a just and resilient city with nature-based solutions (NBS)?, Prospective Research, 2023.
- Inclusive care in Brussels, the way to go, Emilie Verté, VUB, Prospective Research, 2018.
- Green&Quiet. What is the state of green (in)justice in Brussels?, Prospective Research, 2021.
- Is the issue of access to water in Brussels (un)resolved?, Prospective Research, 2023.
Housing and residential economy
- How to motivate middle income families to stay or settle in Brussels?, Prospective Research, 2020.
- How to activate urban waiting spaces for affordable and solidary mobile housing in brussels?, Co-creation, 2020.
- Can public policies improve old care services and reduce undeclared work in the sector?, Prospective Research, 2023.
- Air-Bru: How can Brussels mitigate short-term housing rental impacts without losing their advantages?, Prospective Research, 2024.
Infrastructure and Commerce
- Why do we need a sustainability label for the sharing economy in Brussels-Capital Region ?, Prospective Research, 2020.
- What are the main mechanisms that drive the rootedness of advanced services in the Brussels-Capital Region and what future policies should we envision in this regard?, Prospective Research, 2020.
- Location Analysis for Omni-channel Retail & Distribution in Brussels, Prospective Research, Prospective Research, 2020.
- Air-Bru: How can Brussels mitigate short-term housing rental impacts without losing their advantages?, Prospective Research, 2024.
- FixMyStreet! Making citizens’ digital participation work for a better Brussels, Prospective Research, Prospective Research, 2024.
- Fare-free public transport: critical lessons from multiple sites, Wojciech Keblowski, VUB, Prospective Research, 2018.
Resources and circular economy
- Valorisation potential of waste streams for a more sustainable and circular Brussels’ economy, Prospective Research, 2020.
- How to collectively develop, debate and experiment solutions towards a more resilient, circular and meaningful brussels biowaste collection and treatment system?, Co-creation, 2020.
- WEEE Reuse and Recycling : the role of the SE in relocating the WEEE treatment in Brussels, Prospective Research, 2020.
- How to guide a Brussels citizen to become a circular consumer?, Prospective Research, 2021.
- To what extent are economic activities 'circular practices', and how are these practices spatially embedded in the Brussels economy and society?, Prospective Research, 2021.
- What is the strategic value of “exnovation” for sustainability transition strategies in Brussels Capital Region (BCR)?, Prospective Research, 2023.
Smart City
- How to strengthen the "Civic Smart City" in Brussels?, Prospective Research, 2021.
- How to improve citizens’ algorithmic literacy in Brussels?, Prospective Research, 2023.
- How could the Region sustain tourism employment in ongoing digitalisation of the industry?, Prospective Research, 2023.
- FixMyStreet! Making citizens’ digital participation work for a better Brussels, Prospective Research, Prospective Research, 2024.
- A Reconfigurable Citizen Observatory Platform for the Brussels Capital Region, Jesse Zaman, VUB, Prospective Research, 2018.
- How can we 'save' civic participation? Democratisation and pluralisation of public policies through an ethnographic and experimental approach?, Prospective Research, 2021.
- Edlib : How to foster collaborative learning during the deliberations of municipal councils in the Brussels-Capital Region?, Prospective Research, 2024.
- BEAMM.Brussels: an online, open-access tax-benefit microsimulation model for Brussels, Prospective Research, Prospective Research, 2024.
- FixMyStreet! Making citizens’ digital participation work for a better Brussels, Prospective Research, Prospective Research, 2024.
Wellbeing and living together
- How do young Muslims in Brussels construct their identity and religious practices in a society where debates on the place of Islam are increasingly polarized?, Prospective Research, 2021.
- Under what conditions is policy-oriented citizenship education an effective approach to promote young people's political attitudes and reduce inequalities in political socialisation?, Prospective Research, 2021.
- Empower Youth. How can policies improve the social integration of hard-to-reach NEET youth?, Prospective Research, 2021.
- Can public policies improve old care services and reduce undeclared work in the sector, Prospective Research, 2023.
- Is the issue of access to water in Brussels (un)resolved?, Prospective Research, 2023.
- How to improve citizens’ algorithmic literacy in Brussels?, Prospective Research, 2023.
- A 1.2 million population count in Brussels: how many are there really and who was forgotten?, Prospective Research, 2023.
- How to improve the quality of informal and formal support provision to unaccompanied refugees in their transition to adulthood?, Prospective Research, 2023.
- Should access to fundamental rights be conditional on people being registered with a local authority?, Prospective Research, 2023.
- Can public policies improve old care services and reduce undeclared work in the sector?, Prospective Research, 2023.
- Air-Bru: How can Brussels mitigate short-term housing rental impacts without losing their advantages?, Prospective Research, 2024.
- Edlib : How to foster collaborative learning during the deliberations of municipal councils in the Brussels-Capital Region?, Prospective Research, 2024.
- BEAMM.Brussels: an online, open-access tax-benefit microsimulation model for Brussels, Prospective Research, Prospective Research, 2024.
- FixMyStreet! Making citizens’ digital participation work for a better Brussels, Prospective Research, Prospective Research, 2024.
Would you like to obtain information on previous projects? Please contact Emmanuelle Pottier (Prospective Research) or Xavier Hulhoven (Co-Creation).