You are a Brussels research organization and you wish to obtain proof of concept for an innovative technology, method or idea resulting from your research, with a view to commercial exploitation? …

Are you eligible?

  • You have at least one operating office in the Brussels-Capital Region.
  • You want to proof an innovation concept emanating from a research project, with a view to developing it economically.
  • The project promoter is a professor or accredited researcher of your research organization, or is your research director.

Find out more about the terms and conditions for eligibility in our rules.  

The procedure in 2 steps

  1. Applications, using the form available at the bottom of this page, are submitted at any time by the applicant research organisation via its Knowledge Transfer Office. They are sent to the following e-mail addresses: and
  2. After confirmation by Innoviris of the admissibility of the application, a jury of scientific and business experts will evaluate the application, based on the submitted documents, an interview and according to the criteria defined in the regulations below.


  • Innoviris will analyse your project’s admissibility, quality and relevance, as well as its impact on the employment, economy and sustainable development of the Brussels-Capital Region.


The procedure is explained in the rules. Applications submitted using an other form or manner shall not be taken into consideration.


Other information


Your project must be completed within 6 to 15 months  (not extendable or renewable and may not have started before you submitted your application.

Your application must be submitted under the cover of the Rector, the Director-President of the university college, or the person legally authorized to commit your research organization.


Rulespdf384.53 KB
Form docx117.76 KB
Budgetxlsx13.31 KB
Intermediate activity reportdocx53.56 KB
Final activity reportdocx63.45 KB
Flyer POC pdf873.56 KB
shifting economy Ecodyn

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