Innoviris has always recognized the importance of a well thought-out gender policy and wants to contribute to responsible research and innovation through targeted measures.

In our gender equality plan you will find an overview of our current gender equality policy.

Gender policy as conceived in this document is a policy that pays attention to the psychological, social and cultural factors that contribute to unequal opportunities between the different sexes.The development of a gender and diversity policy within the Research and Innovation (R&I) policy domain is one of the actions in the Regional Innovation Plan 2021-2027 (and the Smart Specialization Strategy that is part of it) [1]. Participatory and inclusive R&I approaches were identified as a key challenge in this regard. 

Not surprisingly, this thematic is an integral part of the Regional political R&I (as well as more general) priorities. In addition, the development of an internal culture of respect and diversity represents one of the four axes of Innoviris’ current strategic plan 2021-2025, underscoring the importance of this theme within the organizational culture.

This document summarizes our past, present and future undertakings, focusing on the five fields of action, recommended by the Horizon Europe framework program:

  • work–life balance and organizational culture;
  • gender balance in leadership and decision-making;
  • gender equality in recruitment and career progression;
  • integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content;
  • measures against gender-based violence, including sexual harassment.

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